Powerful Tinnitus Coping Strategies (Tinnitus Summit Replay Video)

GlennEducation Leave a Comment

I recently had the amazing opportunity to speak at the 2023 Tinnitus Relief Summit, hosted by Treble Health. It was a virtual two day event, where tinnitus experts from all over the world gave live presentations and hosted Q and A sessions. There were many excellent speakers presenting on a wide variety of different topics, from habituation to new treatment …

Tinnitus, Powerlessness, and PTSD: Framing Tinnitus as an Acute Stress Disorder

GlennEducation 2 Comments

If you ask a hundred tinnitus sufferers to explain how the ringing in their ears affects their quality of life, you will get a hundred different answers, but you could easily conclude that the root of the problem – emotionally speaking – is anxiety. The sound of loud tinnitus can cause a very intense fight-or-flight stress response that never fully …

Tinnitus Challenges, Obstacles & Hope (Outring Tinnitus Podcast Interview)

GlennEducation 1 Comment

(Click here to listen in Apple Podcasts – Click here to listen in Sound Cloud – Click here to listen in Spotify) I recently had the opportunity to record a podcast conversation with Frieder Kühne, a fellow tinnitus coach who resides in Germany, founder of Outring Tinnitus, and host of the Outring Tinnitus podcast. We had a great discussion about …

Tinnitus Hope: Relief is Possible (VEDA Interview)

GlennEducation, Raising Awareness 4 Comments

Recently, I had the opportunity to be interviewed live about tinnitus on the Vestibular Disorders Association’s Facebook page as part of their popular Video Education Series! In this wide wide ranging conversation with hosts Dr. Kathleen Stross, DPT, MS, CHC and Dr. Danielle Tolman, DPT, we discussed my personal journey and struggles with tinnitus and Meniere’s disease, and what I’ve …

Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, Musicians, and Hope: A Case Study (New Podcast interview)

GlennEducation, Raising Awareness 4 Comments

(Click play above to listen to the podcast – or click here to listen in Apple podcasts.) I recently had the opportunity to talk about tinnitus on a podcast called Blurred Laws and Life, hosted by Richard Busch, who is a prominent and influential lawyer in the music industry. What made this interview truly special is that Scott Schreer, an incredibly …

Tinnitus: Hope and Expectations vs Reality (My interview on the Treble Health Podcast)

GlennEducation, Raising Awareness Leave a Comment

Recently, I had the chance to be a guest on the Treble Health Podcast, hosted by audiologist and tinnitus specialist Dr. Ben Thompson, Au.D – founder of Treblehealth.com Ben runs the wonderful Treble Health youtube channel and offers tons of great content for tinnitus sufferers. In our wide ranging conversation, we touched on many interesting topics related to tinnitus and …

Tinnitus Reframing: A Simple Way to Stop Negative Thoughts

GlennEducation 1 Comment

Negative thoughts and emotions are a big challenge for many tinnitus sufferers. Part the problem is that we are predisposed to think negatively about tinnitus for the simple reason that the only times we are actually thinking about it is when it’s bothering us. When you’re coping well or distracted from the sound by whatever it is you happen to …