Tinnitus Q&A: How Focusing on Tinnitus Can Help You Find Relief

Glenn Education Leave a Comment

Welcome to another new episode of my Ask Me Anything about tinnitus video series where I answer your most pressing questions about tinnitus (and related conditions like hyperacusis)! For those new to the blog, my name is Glenn Schweitzer, and I’m author of the book Rewiring Tinnitus. I also write a monthly tinnitus column at Healthyhearing.com, and for the last 8 years, I’ve worked with …

The Reality of Tinnitus (Meniere’s Muse Podcast)

Glenn Education, Inspirational Leave a Comment

I recently had the opportunity to have a wonderful discussion about tinnitus and Meniere’s disease (which is the underlying cause of my tinnitus) with Heather Davies, host of the “Meniere’s Muse” Podcast! In this wide ranging conversation, we discussed all kinds of important and helpful topics related to tinnitus, including specific coping strategies, tinnitus habituation, meditation, and so much more! We had …

A Deep Conversation on Strategies for Tinnitus Relief (Outring Tinnitus Podcast)

Glenn Education Leave a Comment

(Click here to listen on YouTube – Click here to listen in Sound Cloud – Click here to listen in Spotify) I recently had the opportunity to record another another wide ranging conversation with Frieder Kühne for an episode of his excellent Tinnitus Relief Podcast. Frieder is a fellow tinnitus coach who resides in Germany and is the founder of …

Tinnitus and Meditation: A Practical Guide to Find Relief

Glenn Treatment 7 Comments

Meditation is the answer to tinnitus. It’s a bold claim, I know. But stay with me for a moment, because if you suffer from tinnitus, meditation can change your life. It changed mine, and I’ve seen it change the lives of countless other tinnitus patients. I’ve watched people tortured by debilitating tinnitus transform back into their old, productive, happy selves. …

Hearing Loss and Tinnitus: A Comprehensive Guide for Finding Relief

Glenn Treatment 1 Comment

There’s a reason that loud, repetitive sound is used to torture people: it works, and not just a little bit, it can completely break a person down. But the “sound as torture” concept isn’t limited to interrogation tactics. Unfortunately, it hits home with a much larger demographic: tinnitus sufferers. Tinnitus, the medical term for ringing in the ears, is a …

Tinnitus: It’s More than Meets the Ears

Glenn Raising Awareness, Treatment 9 Comments

For the last several months, I’ve been somewhat singularly focused on the problem that so many us of deal with on a daily basis: Tinnitus. You see, I’ve had ringing in my ears for as long as I can remember, but it wasn’t always a problem. For most of my life, it was quiet and rarely ever bothered me. I …

Powerful Strategies to Reclaim your Silence

Glenn Treatment 4 Comments

For as long as I can remember, silence has had a sound. The ringing never stops. It’s like a broken soundtrack for the silence in my every day life and a constant reminder that I have Meniere’s disease. It never stops…but it’s not always there, either. Over the years, I’ve learned to work with my Tinnitus rather than against it. …