Did you know that every single night, for a brief moment right before you fall asleep, you enter into an altered state of consciousness? This state is often referred to as the “trance state”. When you’re falling asleep, it happens quickly – so quickly in fact, that most people have no idea that anything strange has happened at all. But …
Tinnitus Relief & Habituation with Frieder Kühne (Podcast Interview)
(Click here to listen on YouTube – Click here to listen in Sound Cloud – Click here to listen in Spotify) I recently recorded another wonderful conversation with Frieder Kühne for the 100th episode of his excellent Tinnitus Relief & Habituation Podcast. Frieder is a fellow tinnitus coach who resides in Germany and is the founder of Outring Tinnitus and Mytinnitus.club. We have become good friends over the years …
25 Powerful Quotes to Inspire Anyone with Tinnitus or Hyperacusis
I’ve always loved a good inspirational quote. There’s just something so satisfying about seeing a powerful idea distilled down to its essence. The right quote seen at the right time can change the direction of your life. It can uplift us when we’re down and motivate us when we need a push. The right quote can inspire us to be better, …
Speed to Tools: The Key to Managing Tinnitus Anxiety
Living with bothersome tinnitus is a lot like walking along the edge of a raging river on a slippery, rocky riverbank, where at any moment, you could trip and fall in. The rock up ahead that you are about to slip on is very much like an anxiety moment about to occur. The problem is that by the time most …
Why Does Stress Make Tinnitus Worse?
If you ask a room full of tinnitus sufferers what makes their tinnitus worse, you will probably get a lot of different answers. But stress will most likely be at the top of everyone’s list. Stress is the one trigger that every tinnitus patient has in common. When you live with bothersome tinnitus, the noise triggers a fight-or-flight stress response …
Tinnitus Journey: Coping, Habituation & Relief (MindEar Podcast)
I recently had the opportunity to have a wonderful conversation about my journey with tinnitus (and Meniere’s Disease – the condition that caused my tinnitus) with Michael Piskosz from MindEar (tinnitus therapy app), host of Tinnitus Unplugged: A MindEar Podcast. In this wide ranging conversation, we discussed many important and helpful topics related to my journey with tinnitus and my …
Tinnitus Q&A: How Focusing on Tinnitus Can Help You Find Relief
Welcome to another new episode of my Ask Me Anything about tinnitus video series where I answer your most pressing questions about tinnitus (and related conditions like hyperacusis)! For those new to the blog, my name is Glenn Schweitzer, and I’m author of the book Rewiring Tinnitus. I also write a monthly tinnitus column at Healthyhearing.com, and for the last 8 years, I’ve worked with …