Tinnitus Journey: Coping, Habituation & Relief (MindEar Podcast)

Glenn Education Leave a Comment

I recently had the opportunity to have a wonderful conversation about my journey with tinnitus (and Meniere’s Disease – the condition that caused my tinnitus) with Michael Piskosz from MindEar (tinnitus therapy app), host of Tinnitus Unplugged: A MindEar Podcast. In this wide ranging conversation, we discussed many important and helpful topics related to my journey with tinnitus and my …

Tinnitus Relief Panel Discussion (VEDA Conference Replay Video)

Glenn Education 3 Comments

I recently had the opportunity to be a guest speaker for the tinnitus panel discussion at the Vestibular Disorders Association’s 4th annual Life Rebalanced Live virtual conference. The second day of the conference was all about tinnitus and I was honored to be a part of this hour long panel discussion. In this wide ranging conversation, me and my fellow …

Tinnitus Q&A: What Foods Make Tinnitus Worse?

Glenn Education Leave a Comment

Welcome to a new episode of my Ask Me Anything about tinnitus video series where I answer your most pressing questions about tinnitus (and related conditions like hyperacusis)! For those new to the blog, my name is Glenn Schweitzer, and I’m author of the book Rewiring Tinnitus. I also write a monthly tinnitus column at Healthyhearing.com, and for the last …

TABS: A New Tinnitus Coping and Habituation Technique

Glenn Treatment 2 Comments

Today, I am excited to share a powerful new tinnitus coping and habituation technique that I have been developing for a long time now. It’s called the TABS technique, which is short for Tinnitus Awareness Body Scan. It’s a coping exercise that combines a breathing technique with brief moments of focused tinnitus awareness, a progressive muscle relaxation routine, and an …

A Tinnitus Sufferer’s Guide to Surviving the Dentist

Glenn Education 6 Comments

When you live with tinnitus, a normal trip to the dentist can quickly become a living nightmare. For starters, dental work can be stressful all on its own. Even before I struggled with tinnitus this was always an issue for me. After a few bad experiences with a horrible dentist in my early twenties, I had severe anxiety at every …

Tinnitus Habituation: Why Spikes and Setbacks are Part of the Process

Glenn Education 14 Comments

I talk a lot about habituation because I believe that it’s our best hope to find lasting relief from tinnitus. It’s not a cure, but it’s entirely possible to get to this place where it stops bothering us, a place where your brain can tune it out like it does all other meaningless background noise. I’ve also talked a lot …


How to Find Relief from Tinnitus Spikes

Glenn Treatment 17 Comments

If you’ve lived with tinnitus for any length of time, you’ve probably noticed that it’s not always constant. It fluctuates, and not just in volume, but in sound and intensity, or the number of sounds. These flare-ups are commonly known as tinnitus spikes, and it’s the bane of every tinnitus sufferer’s existence. Because even if you’ve fully habituated and are …

How to Fall Asleep with Tinnitus

Glenn Treatment 1 Comment

There’s nothing worse than tossing and turning in bed when you just want to fall asleep. That restless feeling of watching the minutes tick by, knowing you’re going to feel terrible in the morning…it’s so stressful. But when you live with tinnitus, the medical term for ringing in the ears, it’s an everyday problem. The constant noise is impossible to …

The Tinnitus-Jaw Tension Connection & How to Relax your Jaw Muscles (VIDEO)

Glenn Treatment 3 Comments

Most people know that stress is a big trigger for people with Tinnitus. But not everyone realizes that stress also works its way into our bodies as physical muscle tension. It can cause a lot of aches and pains, but when it gets into our jaw muscles, it can cause our Tinnitus to spike. It’s certainly not an issue for …