Hearing Loss and Tinnitus: A Comprehensive Guide for Finding Relief

Glenn Treatment 1 Comment

There’s a reason that loud, repetitive sound is used to torture people: it works, and not just a little bit, it can completely break a person down. But the “sound as torture” concept isn’t limited to interrogation tactics. Unfortunately, it hits home with a much larger demographic: tinnitus sufferers. Tinnitus, the medical term for ringing in the ears, is a …

The Real Problem with Tinnitus Part 2: Finding Relief (VIDEO)

Glenn Education Leave a Comment

In part one of this series, I talked a little bit about tinnitus, and how the only question that really matters is: “Does it bother you?” I argued that the noise itself isn’t even really the problem you should be focusing on because you can’t control the noise. The real problem is our reaction to the sound. Our brains are fully …

The Ultimate List of Tinnitus Links and Resources

Glenn Raising Awareness 2 Comments

In the process of writing my new book, I had to do a massive amount of research and ended up with a long list of tinnitus related companies, resources, links and more. And now that my book is finally finished, I realized how helpful a comprehensive list like this would be for the community. So I turned it into a post! Consider this my definitive list of links and resources …

The Rewiring Tinnitus Book is Available Now!

Glenn Announcement Leave a Comment

After several difficult months of dizziness and stress, I’m exhausted. It hasn’t been easy. But today is a very different kind of day. And its days like today that make it all worthwhile. Because today, after ten months, and hundreds of hours of the hardest work I’ve ever done, my new book – Rewiring Tinnitus: How I Finally Found Relief From the …

The Real Problem with Tinnitus Part 1: Impossible to Ignore (VIDEO)

Glenn Education 2 Comments

As I get ready to launch my new book, I wanted to take a deeper dive into the problem of tinnitus. **UPDATE: My new book – Rewiring Tinnitus How I Finally Found Relief From the Ringing in My Ears – is available now!** On the surface, it seems pretty straight forward – tinnitus is the perception of noise when there is no actual …

My First Eargasm (Earplugs) – High Fidelity Earplugs Giveaway!

Glenn Announcement 7 Comments

We all know how important it is to protect our hearing in loud environments. Especially so when you have Tinnitus or any other kind of disorder that affects your hearing, because you are starting out at a disadvantage. Sustained exposure to loud noises, like at a concert, sporting event, or loud movie, causes hearing loss and will make our Tinnitus so much worse. Earplugs are the answer, …

The Tinnitus-Jaw Tension Connection & How to Relax your Jaw Muscles (VIDEO)

Glenn Treatment 3 Comments

Most people know that stress is a big trigger for people with Tinnitus. But not everyone realizes that stress also works its way into our bodies as physical muscle tension. It can cause a lot of aches and pains, but when it gets into our jaw muscles, it can cause our Tinnitus to spike. It’s certainly not an issue for …

How I Found Relief from Tinnitus (Video)

Glenn Education 4 Comments

Several years back, I stumbled onto a simple exercise that completely rewired my emotional and physiological response to the sound of my Tinnitus. Within a few short weeks, my Tinnitus stopped bothering me entirely. I created this video to talk about the various strategies people use to habituate to the sound of their Tinnitus, and also to share the unique …