Can CBD Help Tinnitus Sufferers Find Relief?

GlennUncategorized 7 Comments

DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A DOCTOR or a medical professional. Always speak with your doctor before trying any new drug, supplement, or treatment. (Full disclaimer) If you follow any of the tinnitus message boards or Facebook groups, you’ve probably seen people mention a supplement called Cannabidiol (or CBD for short). For a while now, CBD has been on my radar. And …

How I Found Relief from Tinnitus (Video)

GlennEducation 4 Comments

Several years back, I stumbled onto a simple exercise that completely rewired my emotional and physiological response to the sound of my Tinnitus. Within a few short weeks, my Tinnitus stopped bothering me entirely. I created this video to talk about the various strategies people use to habituate to the sound of their Tinnitus, and also to share the unique …