My First Eargasm (Earplugs) – High Fidelity Earplugs Giveaway!

GlennAnnouncement 7 Comments

We all know how important it is to protect our hearing in loud environments. Especially so when you have Tinnitus or any other kind of disorder that affects your hearing, because you are starting out at a disadvantage. Sustained exposure to loud noises, like at a concert, sporting event, or loud movie, causes hearing loss and will make our Tinnitus so much worse. Earplugs are the answer, …

We Have to Protect our Hearing at all Costs

GlennRaising Awareness 3 Comments

Would you willingly destroy your sense of hearing? Would anyone? Of course the answer is no, but there is new data that seems to tell a different story. Preventable, noise-induced hearing loss is on the rise like never before and it’s becoming a big problem. Rock stars are retiring and who can blame them? Many musicians are finding themselves faced …