Trekz Titanium Bone Conduction Headphones for Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

Glenn Inspirational 11 Comments

I’ve been fascinated by bone conduction technology for a long time and always suspected it could be wonderful for people with hearing loss and hearing disorders like tinnitus. Because with bone conduction audio, the vibrations of sound are transmitted through the bones of the head and face directly to the inner ear. Now you still need to have a functioning cochlea …

How to Help a Loved One Struggling with Tinnitus

Glenn Treatment 7 Comments

It’s never easy to watch a loved one suffer from a debilitating illness like tinnitus. The feeling of powerlessness in the face of so desperately wanting to help…it’s devastating. At it’s worst, ringing in the ears can feel like torture, raining stress and anxiety on the affected while destroying quality of life. It’s hard to watch someone you care about …

tinnitus and suicide - shining light into the darkness

Tinnitus and Suicide: Shining Light into the Darkness

Glenn Inspirational, Raising Awareness 35 Comments

From day one, my message has always been: “If you suffer from tinnitus, there’s hope.” It was never meant to be a platitude. I truly believe it with every fiber of my being. I’ve seen too many people find relief from debilitating, life-ruining levels of tinnitus to think otherwise. And I’ve endured my own trials and tribulations. I wasn’t always …

Message of Hope for Tinnitus Sufferers (HLAA WEBINAR REPLAY)

Glenn Education Leave a Comment

On April 19th, I hosted a free webinar presentation about tinnitus for the Hearing Loss Association of America. For those of you who missed it live, this is the official replay video posted on the HLAA’s youtube channel. (It’s a great channel so make sure you click here to subscribe!) You can watch many other webinar videos, as well as a replay of …

Why Isn’t Anyone Talking About Tinnitus?

Glenn Raising Awareness Leave a Comment

“So, what are you doing for work these days?”my dentist casually asked me, as he looked over my teeth. “I work with people who suffer from tinnitus and help them find relief. Are you familiar with tinnitus at all?” He seemed confused, “I’ve heard the word before, but I’m not sure.” “It’s the medical term for ringing in the ears,” …


How to Find Relief from Tinnitus Spikes

Glenn Treatment 17 Comments

If you’ve lived with tinnitus for any length of time, you’ve probably noticed that it’s not always constant. It fluctuates, and not just in volume, but in sound and intensity, or the number of sounds. These flare-ups are commonly known as tinnitus spikes, and it’s the bane of every tinnitus sufferer’s existence. Because even if you’ve fully habituated and are …

How to Fall Asleep with Tinnitus

Glenn Treatment 1 Comment

There’s nothing worse than tossing and turning in bed when you just want to fall asleep. That restless feeling of watching the minutes tick by, knowing you’re going to feel terrible in the morning…it’s so stressful. But when you live with tinnitus, the medical term for ringing in the ears, it’s an everyday problem. The constant noise is impossible to …